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John Q. Smith

100 Washington St

Anytown USA

D.O.B June 1, 1960


Education:   MBA                                                                                       Harvard

                        Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering              Notre Dame

Powerlifting experience:

  • AAU National Powerlifting secretary 1995- 2010

  • AAU National Powerlifting records keeper 1995-1999, retired.

  • AAU Powerlifting Board member 2000-2008,retired

  • AAU International referee,  worked at over 50 meets at all Levels.

  • AAU Brother Bennett award winner 2010

  • Competed on AAU World champion Team 1999,2001,2002,2003, 2005,2006

  • Competed on AAU Raw National champion Team 2010

Major event summary

  1. AAU 1996 National Raw Powerlifting

  2. AAU 1996 National equipped Powerlifting champion

  3. AAU 1997 National Raw Powerlifting champion

  4. AAU 1998 National Squat champion

  5. AAU 1999 National Bench press champion

  6. AAU 1999 World Powerlifting champion

  7. AAU 2000 National Raw Powerlifting champion

  8. AAU 2000 World Bench press champion.

  9. AAU 2001 North American Powerlifting champion.

  10. AAU 2001 North American Bench press champion

  11. AAU 2001World Powerlifting champion

  12. AAU 2001 National equipped Powerlifting champion. .

  13. AAU 2001 National Bench press champion.

  14. AAU 2002 National Raw Powerlifting champion

  15. AAU 2002 World Powerlifting champion.

  16. AAU 2003 National equipped Powerlifting champion.

  17. AAU 2004 National Raw Powerlifting champion



  1. AAU 2005 National Bench press champion

  2. AAU 2005 National equipped Powerlifting champion

  3. AUU 2005 World Powerlifting champion.

  4. AAU 2005 International Powerlifting champion.

  5. AAU 2005 International Deadlight champion.

  6. AAU 2005 International Push Pull champion.

  7. AAU 2005 International Bench press champion

  8. AAU 2005 National Deadlift champion.


Other career highlights

  • Competed Equipped and RAW.

  • Competed in Full power, Single event Bench press, Squat, Deadlift, Push pull and Strict Curl.

  • National champion ,Raw PL, Equipped PL ,Squat , Bench press, Deadlift ,Push Pull

  • Held National, American and World records in the, AAU equipped  ,AAU Raw

  • Worked in four Junior Olympics



John Q. Smith

100 Washington St

Anytown USA

D.O.B June 1, 1960









































































































Sample Resume

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