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Men's Power Lifting Profiles                                             Page 7

If greatness is not acknowleged it starts to fade. It is our hope that by honoring these individuals and preserving their accomplishments, history will repeat itself. The strick criterier for admition to the Hall of Fame will ensure that few are inducted, So congradulations to those who have obtained a place in powerlifting history!

Dave Mansfield                    2009

Dave is a Master Powerlifter, multi age and weight division record holder, Physical Therapist, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), and an ACSM Certified Health Fitness Specialist. Dave is also the owner of BIG IRON Strength & Fitness LLC. and is the strength coach for the BIG IRON Powerlifting Team. Dave was the recipient of the Brother Bennett Award from the AAU in 2009.

In addition to his competitive accomplishments Dave is an International Referee with the AAU and with the World drug Free Powerlifting Federation. BIG IRON Fitness in partnership with the Bay State Athletic Club hosts many Powerlifting Competitions annually and have recently hosted the WDFPF Worlds, the ADFPF and AAU Nationals, and AAU World Competitions.


Dave is on the Board of AAU Powerlifting & Strength Sports Committee, is Chair of the Rules and Medical Committees and is a member of the board of Directors of the ADFPF.


Dave would like to thank his beautiful wife Ramona for her patience, understanding and support over the years.

William DePorter                2010 
Brother Bennett award winner
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