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The AAU Power Lifting Hall Of Fame was founded to give a cyber home to the champions of amateur competition. Ray Cross was the driving force, that lead to the creation of this site.


The Amateur Athletic Union Powerlifting Hall Of Fame has been established by AAU Strength Sports Executive Committee. Inaugural members elected to the AAU Powerlifting Hall of Fame will be inducted at the 2013 AAU Single-Lift and 3-Lift World Championships this Fall, and their names will be commemorated on a perpetual plaque that will reside at AAU headquarters in Orlando, Florida.

Committee Members Locations







The AAU conducted its first three-lift AAU-sanctioned powerlifting meet in the United States in 1964. As the oldest sports federation in America conducting powerlifting competitions, the Strength Sports Executive Committee voted in 2012 to establish an AAU Powerlifting Hall of Fame to recognize the men and women who have competed and influenced the sport of powerlifting. The criteria for election to the Hall of Fame will mean only a select few will be admitted annually.


Men and Women must have lifted in multiple divisions, raw or equipped, and have traveled to multiple National and World meets. They must have demonstrated a minimum of five years of active participation in AAU Powerlifting events to be considered.



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