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The AAUPC is excited to announce the  AAU Powerlifting Hall Of Fame



The AAUPC was started in 1995 by Larry Larsen and John Ford , the AAU has been running meets since 1995 .18 years is a long time ,so we decided to do  something for our great men and women lifters . Many other Powerlifting Federations have a Hall Of Fame to honor The people that have been outstanding Powerlifters .


The AAU started Powerlifting back in 1964 and produced many great lifters, but it’s our opinion that these lifters should not be eligible for  the NEW  AAUPC Hall of Fame , they followed a different set of rules , only AAUPC lifters that competed since 1995 should be eligible.  These people competed with the new AAUPC Drug free rules .The AAUPC Hall of Fame will not and should not consider what lifters did in other Federations ,we should compare apples to apples.


To be considered for entrance into the Hall of Fame only the Lifters, Powerlifting accomplishments will be considered , this is not be a popularity contest, political favoritism or good ole boy system, So there are no nominations


Powerlifters do realize that without meet directors , referees and volunteers there would not be any meets, but most Powerlifters have given back to the sport and this should be taken into consideration This Hall of Fame will  for be Powerlifters


Who should be considered for entrance into the Hall of Fame .Again ,since this is an amateur sport people drop in and out of completion for many reasons Health / injuries , money , military service , school and family .Some lifters have long careers , up to now 18 years is the tops, some people have short but great careers . Powerlifters , both men and women  that have competed Equipped and Raw , lifted in multiple division and have done crossovers , traveled to National and World meets and have competed for at least five years ,these are the people that should be considered For entrance into the Hall of Fame.

Don’t forget the AAUPC ran the first RAW National meet in the summer of 1996 and it is a large part of our history .


Any person that has won one of the annual awards such as Brother Bennett ,etc, will be exempt and will be put in on the first round , why, because at this time , those awards are the AAUPC highest achievement and should be recognized as Hall of Fame worthy .


How should Powerlifters be judged for entrance into the AAUPC Powerlifting  Hall of Fame.


All lifters that apply for entrance must supply a Powerlifting resume .

There will  be a point system set to evaluate their accomplishment

 The point system will be based on World , International, North American National Meets and  , records

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